Tag: papa charlie jackson

zzvu | Terms related to religion and the church (Part 2, History)

In this column: Amen Corner, Gin House Blues, Alabama March, Lion's den, God locked their jaw, Swing low sweet chariot, Papa Charlie Jackson, J.B.Lenoir (photo), Levester "Big Lucky" Carter, Wallace Willis, Amen Corner (band), Cuby and The Blizzards, Nina Simone.   ... There’s a preacher in the pulpit, Bible in his hand And the sister’s …


zzvv | Terms related to religion and the church (Part 1, The Bible)

In this column:  Judgement day, Twelve gates to the city (three in the east, three west, three south and three south), When the saints go marching in, Beulah Land, Outshine the sun, Hand writing on the wall, Snooky Pryor, Blind Boy Fuller, Barbecue Bob, Mavis Staples ... What you gonna do on judgement day The …


zzxm | Soul food (1)

In this column: soul food, downhome southern food, catfish, turnips, tutagabas, cornbread, ham hocks, red beans, cobbler, neck bones, chitlins, Sunnyland Slim, Otis Span and Fleetwood Mac, Papa Charlie Jackson, Kenny Burrell, Chili Blues Soul food (aka downhome southern food) is often mentioned in blues lyrics. The menu includes dishes with: oxtails, neck bones, pigs' …