Tag: elmore james

zzwv | Guitarists: Every Day I Have the Blues

In this column: every day i have the blues, Pinetop and Milton Sparks, Memphis Slim, Eric Clapton, B.B. King, Albert King, Elmore James, T-Bone Walker, Buddy Guy, Jack Pearson with Josh Smith & Kirk Fletcher, Robert J. Lockwood, Peter Greens Fleetwood Mac,  Jimmy Burns, Matt Schofield & Henrik Freischlader, Luther Allison with Otis Rush & …


zzwx | Guitarists (4): slides (2)

In this column: different ways to hold the slide, Bonnie Raitt, Joe Walsh, Derek Trucks, Muddy Waters, Sonny Landreth, Duane Allman, Jerry Douglas, Robert Randolph, Elmore James, J.B. Hutto, Rory Gallagher, Lil'Ed, Keb Mo, John Hiatt, videos of all, 2 lessons from Walsh The sleeve slide is held in three different ways: with the little …


zzwy | Guitarists (3): slides (1)

In this column: slides, all kinds of Dunlop slides, bottleneck, Robert Johnson, Elmore James, Earl Hooker, W.C.Handy, CeDell Davis, Vox Wah, my own experience Slides are objects that allow the guitarist to create a violin-like tone. He/she slides the object over the snare and makes a note just above the fret. Different objects are used …